Samurai UV Marking System
DPSS Lasers introduces the Samurai UV Laser Marking System. It is the first marking system specifically designed for UV lasers at 355 nm. It takes advantage of the short UV wavelength to provide a small spot size and a large depth of focus. UV lasers also take advantage of the cold marking process, not requiring high average powers and allowing damage free marking on many materials. The Samurai marking system is also capable of UV ablation and engraving on many materials. Such materials include: wires, metals, sapphire, glass, diamond, polyamides, PCBs, coatings, ITO removal, silicon wafers, ceramics, plastics, fiber, paper, polyimides, etc.
Small Spot Sizes
Cold UV Marking
Easy To Use Software
Fast Scanning Speeds
Proven Scanning Technology
Integrated UV Marking Solution
< 700 Watt Single Phase Utility Required
Field Proven Model 3500 Series 355 nm Laser
Materials Can Be Marked, Engraved, Scribed, Cut Or Drilled